Prime Time House gave me a purpose in life. It gave me a reason for functioning, a reason for getting up every day. Before Prime Time House, I would stay at home, sleep, and do nothing, but now I have a purpose. I have a reason to get out of bed every day. I have friends. I have people who I need.
—Althea, Member
About Prime Time House

Finding Purpose In Your Life
Our Mission:
To provide individuals in Northwestern Connecticut with mental illness with a supportive environment that helps them lead independent, productive lives, and reach their highest potential.
Our History:
Prime Time House began as Cooks Vocational Enterprises in 1988 with two grants from the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services – one for providing vocational services and the other to provide psychosocial services to adults with mental illness in Litchfield County. It was established early on that the “Clubhouse Model” was the best practice in delivering these services. Program participants decided to have a clubhouse as their “prime time” to take advantage of what was being offered, and the name has stayed with the organization since. In the early 1990s, the name of the organization changed to Prime Time House, Inc. Having resided in three different locations since its inception, the Board of Directors purchased the property at 810-836 Main Street in Torrington in 1996, where our campus currently exists.
When you walk into our Clubhouse, you will immediately notice that we are different from other mental health programs. We are a program where all members are needed, wanted, and appreciated. Our goal is to help members establish a foundation of skills that can be utilized in the greater community. Members are involved in all aspects of the operation of the Clubhouse program.
Prime Time House aims to address identified needs with increased community services. The agency has grown from a single “Clubhouse Model” of psychiatric rehabilitation into a leading community mental health provider. In Fall of 2024, Prime Time House announced its affiliation with The Connection Inc. in Middletown. This strategic partnership aims to enhance the overall impact of both agencies by leveraging their shared focus on mental health, experience with similar populations, and complementary services. Prime Time House will retain its name, location, and non-profit status. All funds raised for Prime Time House will continue to support its programs exclusively.
Who We Are:
Our Services:

Help Getting Back in the World
Prime Time House helped me survive, make friends, and get back into the world. I love to help out in the kitchen, because it keeps me busy and teaches me how to help other people.
—Daryl, Member

Empowerment Through Giving
This is not where you come and get service. This is where I come and give service. So that empowers me. I can be a service giver. The staff and members work side by side. Members make decisions for the clubhouse. It’s so empowering to be considered not a patient, not somebody with a label, but a member.
—Willow, Member
Where to find us:
Our main campus is located at:
836 Main Street
Torrington, CT 06790
Phone: 860-618-2479
Normal Hours of Operation are:
Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Program hours vary to include:
Wednesday evenings & 2 Saturdays per month