Prime Time House gave me a purpose in life. It gave me a reason for functioning, a reason for getting up every day. Before Prime Time House, I would stay at home, sleep, and do nothing, but now I have a purpose. I have a reason to get out of bed every day. I have friends. I have people who I need.
—Althea, Member

Prime Time House Leadership

Finding Purpose In Your Life
Leadership Team:
Anne Ruwet
Interim Director
[email protected]
Adam Lytton
Interim Associate Director
[email protected]
Linda Bellmar
Clubhouse Director
[email protected]
Kathi Gryniuk Weinstein
Director of Development
[email protected]
Christy Tellier
Director of Operations
[email protected]
Board of Directors:
Jeff Geddes, President
Torrington Savings Bank, VP
Lindsay Raymond, Vice President
State of CT, Office of Early Childhood
Louisa Roraback, Past President
Roraback & Roraback
Patty Sullivan, Secretary
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital, Sr. Director of Operations
Frank Ramsey, Treasurer
Retired Certified Financial Planner
Conservator for Court of Probate Torrington
Lisa Ferris, Director
United Way of Northwest CT
Beth Dupont, Director
O&G Industries, HR & EEO Officer
Dr. Michael Kovalchik, Director
Retired Physician
Kathy Minck, Director
Food Rescue NW CT, Site Director
Susan McGowan, Director
Retired Occupational Therapist
John Seagrave, Director
Barron & Company, LLP
Willow Dealy, Member Liaison
Prime Time House Member & Advocate
Advisory Committee:
Judi Armstrong
Mary Baker
Tina Bernacki
Marth Bernstein
Gina Bunch
Stacey Caren
Jean Chapin
Rep. Michelle Cook
Deirdre DiCara
Lou Donne
Hon. Anne Dranginis
Larry Hendrickson
Luce Jakimetz
Susan Jordan, Esq.
Karin Lawrence
Gerald Libby
Brian Mattiello
Jim MacGillavry
Pucci McGill
Norman Melk
Jackie Miller
Cathy Oneglia
Lisa Partrick
Sue Rea
Nancy Rogers
Turi Rostad
Emily Soell
Oliver Taeb
Marc Trivella, LCSW
Regina Wexler, Esq.
Roberta Willis
Mary Winslow
Lauren Zordan
Who We Are:
Our Services:

Empowerment Through Giving
This is not where you come and get service. This is where I come and give service. So that empowers me. I can be a service giver. The staff and members work side by side. Members make decisions for the clubhouse. It’s so empowering to be considered not a patient, not somebody with a label, but a member.
—Willow, Member
Where to find us:
Our main campus is located at:
836 Main Street
Torrington, CT 06790
Phone: 860-618-2479
Normal Hours of Operation are:
Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Program hours vary to include:
Wednesday evenings & 2 Saturdays per month